Eco Home Fundamentals & Resources

Eco Building Fundamentals | Eco Lifestyle | Indoor Air Quality

  • Limewash and whitewash on exterior walls

What is Limewash and where can I use it?

February 15th, 2023|

This is our guide to understanding what lime wash is, as well as the history and traditional uses, what is available and how to use.. Want to buy lime paint? If [...]

  • Upgrade Your Home - Simple Green Home Improvements

Upgrading to an Greener Home

January 28th, 2021|

Whether you want to enhance the energy efficiency of your home by making small, yet cost-effective, changes, or if you're about to embark on a home improvement project to make your house greener, either way, [...]

  • Energy Efficient Home Design & Top Tricks

Upgrading to an Energy Efficient Home

January 8th, 2021|

The concept of energy efficiency has been around for quite a few decades now, but it has only recently caught momentum. With global warming and depletion of our natural resources, we have become acutely aware [...]

  • Eco Friendly Jargon

Confused about the Eco-Friendly Terminology and Jargon?

August 14th, 2020|

Over time, the world has become increasingly more conscious of a need to protect and preserve the environment. People are more environment-conscious now than they have ever been before. With this awareness, several new [...]

  • What is spray foam insulation for the home and is it worth it

What is spray foam insulation for the home and is it worth it?

July 16th, 2020|

The importance of home insulation cannot be understated. Having your home insulated is a great way to increase the energy efficiency of the household, decrease the electricity bill, and basically create a comfortable living [...]

What’s Driving the Sustainable Interior Design Movement?

August 3rd, 2016|

Sustainable interior design has come a long way. From being exclusively the preserve of the counter-culture it has become part of the mainstream, with sustainable practices benefiting from an extra dash of zeitgeist-grabbing cool.But despite [...]

  • Eco Green Home Architecture

Green Futures: Eco Friendly Architecture Grows Up

March 30th, 2016|

Modern buildings have a bad reputation, and it's easy to see why. From the brutalist concrete shells of the 1960s to the materialist excess of the 1980s, right up to the wave of cheap, [...]

  • Straw Bale House Build

Straw Bale House Build: The Bricks of the Future?

March 16th, 2016|

When most of us hear the idea of a house made of straw, the first thing that comes to mind is the tale of the Three Little Pigs. But with straw now being recognised as [...]

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