Use: For the glueing of light, medium-heavy and heavy wallpapers.
Preparation: Substrate must be firm, dry and clean. Fill cracks and holes with AURO Wall Filler No. 329. Crumbling plaster can be solidified with AURO Primer for Various Plaster No. 301. Pre-paste highly absorbent substrates.
Application: Stir powder evenly, avoiding clumps, into cold water. Let it swell for one hour and stir well again. Paste the rear of the wallpaper evenly, let soak and paste on. Apply glue especially thoroughly at the seams.
Composition: Methyl cellulose (European)
Is wallpaper paste breathable?
Auro 389 Natural Wall paper paste is breathable. It contains a special mixture of methyl cellulose fibres of various lengths, and does not include resins (which would affect breathability!) or preservatives. Methyl cellulose alone is known to have nearly no effect on the breathability of the wall, making it suitable for older properties and lime.
It should be noted that it’s also important to consider the type of wallpaper you use, as this can have a greater bearing on breathability.

Auro 389 Wall Paper Paste Mixing Ratio
Notes: Store dry and cool and keep out of reach of children. Do not pour into the sewage. Dry remenants can be composted or put into the household garbage. Disposal of liquid residues: EAK waste code 200112; EAK classification: paints, glues
Is wall paper paste toxic?
Is wall paper paste toxic? If you’ve ever wondered is wall paper toxic, then you’re asking the right questions. Generally wall paper paste contains all kinds of un-natural materials and ingredients, which themselves contain chemicals, preservatives and other things that are just hard to trace.
Most of the the wall paper paste you would buy off the shelf would be considered toxic, but we have a great solution for people who want to make a better and more informed decision.
Here at the Organic and Natural Paint Company, we’re always on the lookout for manufactures of natural and eco friendly products for your home, and we recently found that this is made a non toxic wall paper paste that is based entirely on natural ingredients, is non toxic and totally safe, which is a remarkable achievements.
The leading manufacturer of natural, breathable, and eco friendly paints on the market right now, with more green credentials than any other supplier out there as far from our extensive research.
If you are looking for a non toxic wall paper paste, we suggest that you try a natural wall paper paste, it’s available in a large bag and you just add water to the amount you need and you can get started. They offer a much safer alternative to standard wall paper paste, so if you are still wondering if all wall paper paste is toxic, then no, We have a non toxic solution for you. Enjoy.